Abhyangam is a popular body massage in ayurveda. The word abhyanga itself means to massage. Abhyanga (“oil massage”) is a form of Ayurvedic medicine that involves massage of the body with Dosha-specific warm herb-infused oil. The oil is commonly pre-mixed with herbs for specific conditions. Traditionally, the base oil used is sesame. Abhyanga can be done as part of the steps of Panchakarma therapy, especially in the first stage: Purva Karma (pre-treatment), or as its own therapy. The Abhyanga as prescribed in the Brhtatrayi and Laghutrayi texts is vigorous, and intended to open up the minor Srotas, remove Ama (toxins) through the skin, melt Kleshma (fat secretions blocking the Srotas), and cleanse and moisturize the skin. But Abhyanga can also be used to soothe a Vata imbalance which will bring deep relaxation to the body and a peaceful mind.